

Bressanone - 风潮唱片


【欧美经典】Bressanone - Matthew Lien

这首诉说离愁的歌曲,选自加拿大音乐家Matthew Lien(马修·连恩)发表于1995年的专辑《狼》。Matthew Lien与其他29位音乐家,经历了两年的时光,才完成了这张糅合克尔特民谣、古典乐、轻爵士、摇滚的专集。《狼》曾获得1994年AURORA奖的最佳原声带。


Here I stand in Bressanone 我站在布列瑟农

With the stars up in the sky 的星空下

Are they shining over Brenner 想问繁星是否也照亮着

And upon the other side 星河那头的布雷纳

You would be a sweet surrender 心中甜蜜的痛 是你

I must go the other way 我却将在没有你的路上远去

And my train will carry me onward 乘着不回头的列车

Though my heart would surely stay 而我的心留给你,它哪里也不去

Wo my heart would surely stay 我的心留给你,它哪里也不去

Now the clouds are flying by me 身侧云浮影沉

And the moon is on the rise 月亮升起时

I have left the stars behind me 愿我身后的星辰

They were diamonds in your skies 闪烁如钻,装点你的夜空

You would be a sweet surrender 心中甜蜜的痛 是你

I must go the other way 我却将在没有你的路上远去

And my train will carry me onward 乘着不回头的列车

Though my heart would surely stay 而我的心留给你,它哪里也不去

Wo my heart would surely stay 我的心留给你,它哪里也不去

热度 ( 45 )

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