

Let's Stay Together - Al Green


【欧美经典】Al Green - Let's Stay Together

昆汀电影《低俗小说》插曲。这首歌拥有灵魂乐节奏感十足的特点,Al Green慵懒且富磁性的嗓音,像是一块巧克力,香醇美味,沁入人心。

Al Green,六、七十年代的灵魂乐老将,节奏与布鲁斯的领军人物,拥有着传奇地位。其曲风带有爵士和民谣的味道,很难归类。格林在1988年重返节奏蓝调乐坛,再度录制专辑,1994年的复出第二张专辑结合乡村与节奏蓝调,一举拿下九座葛莱美奖;来年更进入摇滚音乐名人堂,2002年获得葛莱美终生成就奖。

Artist: Green Al
Album: Miscellaneous
Title: Let's Stay Together
I, I'm so in love with you
Whatever you want to do
Is all right with me
'Cause you make me feel so brand new
And I want to spend my life with you
Since, since we've been together
Loving you forever
Is what I need
Let me be the one you come running to
I'll never be untrue

Let's, let's stay together
Lovin' you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad
Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad
Why, why some people break up
Then turn around and make up
I just can't see
You'd never do that to me (would you, baby)
Staying around you is all I see
(Here's what I want us to do)
Let's, we oughta stay together
Loving you whether, whether
Times are good or bad, happy or sad

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