

Trying Is the 1st Step Towards Failure - L'elan Vital


【后摇音乐】Trying Is the 1st Step Towards Failure


L'elan Vital,来自美国丹佛的5人后摇团体,04年底成立。这张《The Wink and The Gun》是他们出版的唯一专辑,此外还有一张EP。

《Trying Is the 1st Step Towards Failure》

Look at her face, she is so young, 
Yet you turn your back on her. 
Give them the gift we've turned to gray; 
After all we've had our day. 

There's still ice in our caps; 

There's still gas in our tanks; but when we fall we break legs. 

And I'd examine myself but we know trying is the first step towards failure.

热度 ( 58 )

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