

This I Don't Need - Starflyer 59


《This I Don't Need》歌词:

Good friends leave I better not think

About love and war, no matter to me

And everyone you love, and everyone who laughs

It doesn't breathe, the music machine

And at a yearly cost, it cost me a half week

And everyone you love, and everyone who laughs

Everyone you love, everyone who laughs and this I don't need

And everyone you love, and everyone who laughs

And everyone you love, and everyone who laughs and this I don't need

And this I don't need, and this I don't need

And this I don't need, and this I don't need

And this I don't need, and this I don't need

And this I don't need, and this I don't need, and this I don't need


热度 ( 10 )

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