

Everyone Loves The Girl - Mark Stoermer


《Everyone Loves The Girl》歌词:

The morning light brought her in from the East

Her hair was long and hanging in curls

Drinking wine in the park, holding hands in the dark

We know everyone loves the girl

The music played long into the night

Inside her heart was a hidden pearl

Staying up until dawn, I'd rather be her pawn

We know everyone loves the girl

Wandering all over the world and charming everyone she meets

Far away from her home in Clark County

No-one can tie her down, her spirit can't be bound

To every heart she's holding the key

So keep in mind, when she's ready to move on

As you watch her sails unfurl

She'll never give her hand, must try and understand

We know everyone loves the girl


热度 ( 13 )

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