

Final Victory - Haggard


【哥特金属】Final Victory - Haggard

选自德国Haggard乐队发行于2006年12月的现场专辑《Symphonic Metal》。古典编曲的优美与金属乐的磅礴,相互擦出音乐火花,犹如一幕气势恢宏、宽广壮阔的宏大电影场面。

Haggard是一只哥特金属乐团,拥有固定团员16人,常任团员接近20人,其灵魂人物是Asis Nasseri。乐队除了常规的鼓、贝斯、吉他,加入了小提琴、大提琴、钢琴与女高音等古典乐成员。在90年代中后期的金属圈,Haggard这个名字就是哥特、死亡金属和古典音乐融合的代名词。

《Final Victory》

Final Victory - Haggard
We are writing the year 1543 AD, the time the black plaque struck
Agen, here Michael Nostradamus lived with his wife and two children.
He confidently began to treat his felow citizens, but - unfortunately - was
Not able to save his family from his old enemy...
The final victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
The vinal victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
The vinal victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
The vinal victory
Has crushed the autumn silence
Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat
Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat
Mortius, domine
Viju svet v notschi tumanoi
Ne prognat mne prisrak strany
Svet Negasnusei svetschi
Gorit, Gorit v notschi
So God has found him weeping
And wrath flickered deep withing His eyes
So thy shalt suffer
As long ago the one's been crucified
The keeper of the Lord's mark
Is rising up with this ability
Heavenly damnation
So thou shalt trust the seer...v

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