

Smiling Again - Mark Daumail


《Smiling Again》歌词:

Can you hear that sound?

It's a red alert storm

It's the noise I can make

When I try to shout like you

For a thousand nights

I've cried myself to sleep

You can ruin your life

I won't be there to weep

The more I look around

The less I understand

Promise me when it's time

Bury me far from you

Every time you call me

You tell me you love me

I feel like crying


Too many minor chords

In my former songs

I was getting bored

I'm not a farmer's son

There's a world beyond

The dump where I was born

Promise me when it's time

Bury me far

Bury me far from you

Every time you call me

You tell me you love me

I feel like crying


I am smiling again

Smiling again

I am smiling again

Smiling again


Every time you call me

You tell me you love me

I feel like crying



热度 ( 14 )

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